Saturday, April 25, 2020

Blogs 1,2,3

  1. Essential Oils

The idea that Essential oils help heal health problems has been around since 1937, and isn’t going away anytime soon. People have found a way to profit off of it and they will continue to do so. Watching the video posted about the woman who has oils all over her house and continues to use them even knowing they are just a placebo was very interesting to me. I have many friends who believe these oils work, and my roommate once tried to put spearmint oil on my wrists when she found out I was nauseous, little did she know I hate the smell of peppermint, and I ended up losing my breakfast because of this. It’s important that people should know that these oils won’t work like medicine, because they should seek the proper treatment.

2.) Graphology

Graphology, like psychics and fortune tellers, rely on ambiguity to relate to people. But keeping things vague, these personality traits can be applied to basically anyone, especially because hearing good things about yourself is so easily accepted. When a person hears the things they wanna hear, it is easier to believe them, but when someone is told things they dislike the same does not hold true and the ideas are dejected. One time when I was walking on the boardwalk I ran into a graphologist, and at the time I really did believe that most of the things she said could relate back to me. I was still skeptical since I'm a realist, and reading about this now I see how vague my reading was, and I doubt the ability of reading handwriting. I understand where the ideas come from and how they should make sense in hindsight, but logically it’s not a realistic way to judge someone’s character.

3.) subliminal messaging, and the Mozart effect

The Mozart effect is the belief that playing classical music will make you smarter, or increase a child’s development if played to a baby during their childhood. There are some people who work well when music is playing, and some who can’t focus when it's on. I resent the fact that most of my teachers growing up would play classical music during tests, because I could never focus as well with it playing. Having this topic brought up in class was justification for my beliefs, so I’m happy it was addressed. While it's true that music can be engaging for some, there’s no evidence it makes you smarter or will improve your work ethic. You can only listen to Mozart enough times before you must realize... you're just going to have to accept that C.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this completely! I used to absolutely hate when my teachers would play Beethoven while i am trying to solve quadratic equations! It made no sense! While it may be true that some work better with background noise, it is definitely not a one size fits all and can not be concluded as having a positive effect on everyone.
