Friday, July 31, 2020
Post 2 Mozart Effect
Post # 3
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Post #3: Aromatherapy and Meditation for Healing
I often would go to spas and get massages as well as going to Philly to do some hot yoga and meditate early before class began. My perspective on how aromatherapy and meditation as a method of “curing” things was questionable but I soon realized later it's more of something that I believe is more mental than healing things directly like cancer. I can see how the idea of aromatherapy can be silly and how certain smells can help heal and rejuvenate. But the way it is advertised is probably what got lost in the message. But how it has been advertised to relieve certain symptoms may just be a small part. Maybe associating smells triggers certain memories and that is what brings us the healing depending on that certain memory. Meditation also is said to be just another yogi cult but most athletes start to incorporate it into their training routines. So although I may fall for the ideas that meditation and aromatherapy can help cure insomnia I think that everything is connected somehow and if it is something that can be natural and drug free, that is the best medicine to me. That is a mantra I would like to continue to hold especially if I am to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Americans are so reliant on opioids and painkillers, they fail to realize their bodies can easily heal themselves whether it is through their mind or their stem cells.
Post #2: Darren Brown
I didn’t know who Darren Brown was before listening to his TED talk and watching his older series about debunking other psychics, but I am so glad I know of him now. He truly is a great mentalist and has an amazing showmanship factor. The key thing for psychics really is the idea of being vague and generalizing things for their audience. Brown shows that he can match the “famous” psychics by being so vague and really “faking ‘til he makes it.” In my personal experience, I used to love getting my tarot cards read and looking up my astrology for compatibility or if I would want to know what would be my ideal career. Now I know that something like the “stars” and “signs” cannot define who I am as a person but it can generalize a majority of people who share the same birth month as me. As for the tarot reader, looking back now this old italian woman that I had met in Venice Beach, CA was able to sell me more of an “experience” rather than answers to my future and reading of my past. I found the Ted talk enlightening because as someone who used to rely so heavily on these psychics can now see that it is a trick of just reading a person's mannerisms and more relating to humans and their habits.
Post #1: The Jersey Devil
Although I am not a Jersey native, when I had moved to the East Coast the mention of the Jersey Devil was something I heard very often. The New Jersey Air National Guard in Egg Harbor, NJ has the Jersey Devil as their mascot. I found that appropriate considering how close to the Pine Barrens the base was to one another. Growing up in California we had similar phenomena like the Santa Ana winds and how they are said to presume earthquakes as well as allowing dissatisfied wives to undergo mayhem. Those two might not be very similar but it was something that either residence in each state would somewhat fear. Not once have I ever considered hiking in the Pine Barrens if a beast like the Jersey Devil were to attack me but learning more about the history of its origin, honestly induced more fear in me. Approaching this from a more scientific perspective, I can say this is a legend that has been continued on only because of it’s infamy and during the time, people were less educated and the media was able to sell this kind of fear. It may also allow a way to blame things and phenomena for happening just like some people like to use the unexplainable for things that are hard to solve or are just too hard to face.
Post #2
Post #3- Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats: Are They For Real?
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Post #3 (Styles of Learning)
There are many different styles of learning. The main ones include: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To learn visually is by looking at pictures, videos, or maps. To learn auditory is by learning through hearing sounds, lectures, and to read aloud and to learn kinesthetically involves hands on experiences, like touching or making things. Everyone has their own preferences on how they decide to learn, some students enjoy studying in the quiet scene of a library compared to other individuals who would rather have some background sound or music playing. It all depends on what helps you as a person learn better. As for myself I am definitely a visual learner, I like to be able to see the task I am trying to complete or learn through some type of picture, video, or slides. I was unaware that most learners are visual rather than auditory or kinesthetic.
Post #2 - How I Learned About the Jersey Devil

Post #1 - Wiccan and Native American Beliefs

Monday, July 27, 2020
Post #1
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Post #1 Graphology
Post #3 (Ways of Thinking)
post 1 (OBE)
Post #2 (The War of the Worlds)
Orson Welles’s broadcasts a realistic radio dramatization of a Martian invasion occurring on Earth, called “War of the Worlds”. The “War of the Worlds” was not planned to become a radio hoax and Orson Welles had no idea about the madness he was going to create. During the broadcast on October 30th, 1938 an announcer bursted into the room to share the news that explosions had been found on Mars, which then led to a huge meteor crashing into a farmer’s field in Grovers Mills, New Jersey. The reporters describe a shadow as large as a bear that glistens like wet leather, with tentacles emerging from this metal cylinder. They claim these “Martians” killed over 700 National Guards, spread poisonous gas, and fled to Chicago. The Federal Communications Commission investigated the program due to thousands of people trying to flee, but found that no laws were broken. Although, there are still some conspiracies on what had really happened after the broadcast. Psychologist Hadley Cantril believes that more than 1 million people were affected by the broadcast (stressed, excited, disturbed) but on the other hand, Sociologist Miller and Bainbridge found very little evidence of any type of widespread trauma. It was then concluded that it was more of a delusion than any type of widespread fear.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Post #3 conspiracy theories and subliminal messagege
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Post #2 (Learning Styles)
Post 1 Jersey Devil
Growing up in the Pine Barrens "The Jersey Devil" has always been a main topic to be talked about. Being able to learn the history of Mother Leeds and how the Jersey Devil was actually created has helped me achieve a better understanding of this topic. I have learned that Mother Leeds had put a curse on her thirteenth child due to her husband's horrible efforts with their other children, he was a drunkard. Throughout this lecture there is a picture of a strange shadow amongst the trees in Galloway, thought to be the Jersey Devil. Although I knew about the tales of the Jersey Devil I was not aware that it was used to legitimately haunt and terrorize the local towns and cities in South Jersey. The Jersey Devil has been known to be around for decades and has grown in popularity over the years, as the Jersey Devil is not only a South Jersey tale but more of a New Jersey legend.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Post #1 (Jersey Devil)
Post #1 Aliens