James Randi, a former magician and escape artist, as well as
the author of the book Flim Flam! is a skeptic. He has dedicated his
later life to debunking claims that are attributed to anything paranormal,
occult of supernatural in any way shape or form. In Flim Flam!, he
outlines popular deceptions and explains how they are done and why the public
was ultimately tricked into believing them. Randi believes that people often fail
to rationalize these claims and want to believe the pseudoscientific
backgrounds that surround them. This novel covers topics ranging from ESP. psychokinesis,
psychic detectives to UFOS, levitation, astrology and many more. Each chapter
goes into depth on a topic, giving the most popular cases and misconceptions
and ultimately debunking them in the end.

I also enjoyed Chapter 9 which
covers all the medical claims. “The Medical Humbugs” goes over what is called
psychic surgery, which was widely publicized and practiced all over. Randi thus
took a trip to Brazil in attempt to be present while one of these surgeries was
going on. He was denied immediately. He then offered money and was told that
the decision was up to the surgeon and spiritualists. He soon discovered that
the permission was not obtainable. Randi name drops tons of surgeons claiming
that any miracle that they credited to psychic ability was simply slight of hand that was shown on video and did not
actually happen for real. Below I have
included a video of a more modern explanation and debunking of the fraud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ElzxjoLbmo.
They demonstrate how the fake blood and organs are made and how you cane make
it look as real as possible. I would include a picture regarding the subject,
but even being fake, it is still a little too graphic even for me.
I liked this book. James Randi gave a good amount of information on each
topic and helped readers really understand what they were looking at. My only
complaint though is I feel like he should have included a little bit more of
their side of the story. It was clear that these things could all be debunked
and that Randi was correct in his assumptions, but it would have been
interesting to see a little more background in each situation that was being
presented. Other than that, I feel like he covered a lot of intriguing topics and
exposed a lot of different people
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