Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Book Report

                                      Book Report

General Overview

  This book discusses the mind's amazing capacity for bias through its ability to withhold many items concurrently or multiple times. As a result, people tend to make justifiable decisions based on certain circumstances while their thoughts are still able to operate. However, there is a general propensity to run into a few bumps that throw off how one's mind processes thoughts and emotions.  

Favorite Part

Daniel's explanation of the two systems that essentially run our entire cognitive process and, in turn, run our life was my favorite portion of the book. The fact that the first system functions somewhat automatically definitely caught my attention. Our brains are intentionally created to keep us alive and healthy, but they also prevent us from thinking clearly about any situation and force us to respond with the first emotion we experience. This was intriguing to me because our brains tend to make reasonable decisions on a regular basis as opposed to making bad ones, which causes us to respond more differently. 


One of our lesson slides, "Ways Of Thinking," is related to the book "Thinking Fast And Slow."  We discovered how slow thinking equates to critical thinking from our teaching slides. For instance, if someone is considering something critically, they are actually considering it, as in rationally considering it. Daniel talked about slow thinking and our systems in the book when he talked about what is known as sluggish thinking. We also studied how to think with fairness, which is the ability to think clearly while still being kind to others.  


I thought this book was very good . It provided a wealth of information regarding quick and slow thinking methods. It demonstrated to me the value of critical thinking and explained why it is a common practice. A YouTube video titled "Why We Make Mistakes and Bad Decisions" is attached. Thinking quickly and slowly. The difference between thinking automatically and thinking deliberately (critical thinking) is discussed in this video.



After finishing this book, I became aware of how my present-day decisions may have an impact on my future. After finishing this book, I came to the conclusion that we should always improve the way we make decisions. I've learned from the book that in order to improve the world, we need to be more aware of the judgments we make on a daily basis. I learned how to make wise selections and to consider my choices carefully thanks to this book. It also helped me understand the significance of our body' two various systems.

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