Thursday, August 4, 2016

Book Report

Throughout the duration of this course, I have been reading How We Know What Isn't So by Thomas Gilovich. For the most part, it was an interesting read. The author addresses logic in a way that is not typical. It discusses thinking errors we make on a daily basis, and how to avoid these errors. Many of the sections analyze the way people think and how these thinking patterns came to be. Gilovich points out the flaws in human logic and provides reason as to why our brains perform in certain ways when it comes to thought and interpretation. 

My favorite part was the section on believing what we are told. It was all about how people tell stories to make them interesting and believable to the reader. People twist stories depending on who is listening in order to get that person engaged. This was a relatable read, because it happens often; especially sharpening and leveling. People exaggerate the details of the story that will get them the most attention from the audience, and downplay what they assume will not impress the listener. We believe what we are told because we want to be entertained, and we tell stories in this way because we want to entertain. Humans are biased by nature, so naturally their stories will be, too. 

The book relates to the section of the course about thinking. The first chapter is similar to the first posted powerpoint lecture about fast and slow thinking. The chapter is all about how people are set up to overthink and rationalize everything. We look for patters and meaning, and are unhappy with disorganization. Humans are natural fast thinkers, which leads to pseudoscience. 

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