One major belief in pseudoscience deals with faith healing.
According to the American Cancer Society, faith healing is, “founded on the
belief that certain people or places have the ability to cure and heal – that
someone or something can eliminate disease or heal injuries through a close
connection to a higher power.” This type of healing highly encourages relief
from stress, pain, anxiety, and supports peace of mind. It involves group
prayers with the patient or without the patient. When without the patient
around, often time people will hold group prayer meetings for the patient. When
with the patient, the therapist would often touch him/her with their hands
while calling upon a “supreme being.” The history behind faith healing dates
way back in the bible, to the beliefs that God had the ability to heal those
who are hurt. Though there is no scientific evidence that faith healing
actually works, many people hold this pseudoscience theory true.
I believe that this theory is very popular, but I personally
think that it is a little far-fetched. Yes, I am sure people find this type of
healing beneficial in a religious aspect. However I think it does not have the
ability to do more than lift your spirit. I believe that it can definitely help
a patient relieve some stress and feel better in their head, and can give them
a will to hang on and keep fighting. But being a public health major, I chose
the side of scientific evidence and faith healing does not have the capability
of curing any physical ailments, such as cancer.

here's a picture of a faith healing practice.
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