One big pseudoscience belief which brought the world in an uproar
was the whole, “2012 Phenomenon”. This huge conspiracy dates all the way back
to ancient Mayan records. The phenomenon revolves around a theory that on
December 21, 2012, the world will all come to an end or that a major change
will ensue. However, there are many disbelievers on the contrast to the many
believers to this phenomenon.
The biggest theory behind the phenomenon was that there will
be some sort of catastrophic event or transformation will occur in December 2012.
But others believed that that ancient Mayan myth was a misapprehension by Mayan
scholars. According to the Mayan calendar (The Long Count), the end of the calendar
ends around December 21, 2012, evidently meaning the end of the world while
other Mayan calendars from different cities would have different Long Count
dates (1000+ years later). Others would also argue that Mayans did not predict
the end of the world, as the end of the calendar did not mean the end of
creation. Mayans in fact celebrated the end of Long Counts and have made predictions
for events occurring after the calendar ended. An additional theory to this phenomenon
was that on that date a major shift will occur between the North and South
Pole, causing catastrophic earthquakes to succeed, leading to the demise of the
world as we know it. From a scientific standpoint, disbelievers find it nearly
impossible for such pole shifts to happen, as the poles move about 1 degree
every million years.
My initial reaction to this whole “2012 Phenomenon,” was
that it was completely ridiculous. Although it did leave me with a semi-curious
“what if” thought in the back of my mind, I wasn't so concerned to the point I was
inclined to research information behind this ludicrous conspiracy. I don't remember much of that day but I do remember people at school talking about it, waiting for earthquakes or meteors to fall down from the sky.

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